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Feb 25, 2021

Trusting Your Gut...Lessons Learned from Jamie Kern Lima
Jamie Kern Lima is an American Entrepreneur
founder of IT Cosmetics
started a small business and sold it for $1.2 BILLION
new book out called Believe IT
I've been hearing Jamie do interviews all over podcasts, social media and I have learned quite a few things...

Feb 24, 2021

Have you ever had a bad day?... We all have bad days...
Do you feel like you are having more bad days than good days lately?
The question is when that happens do you wish for a better day, where everything goes right. you take that moment to appreciate the value of a bad day.
Now I know that sounds tough and...

Feb 22, 2021

Quote of the Day
Inky Johnson- Never complain about something you are not willing to change.
Mondays I like to talk about Prosperity Pillars or Principles that can guide you through the week. Today I want to talk a bit about Happiness and how it is directly tied to your actions in your day to day life.
 I have been...

Feb 18, 2021

Today is a throw back episode to one I did a few years ago.

I felt it might be a great reminder to let you know that your actions have impact on others whether you are conscious of them or not.  Our lives are always impacting other, so it is important that you remember that as you go about your day.

So many people are...

Feb 17, 2021

All of us have challenges and fears in our life that we are faced with from time to time. Sometimes these fears are minor and sometimes they can become extremely debilitating. Either way, we only truly grow and succeed when we face our fears.  Most of us have heard the phrase:

True Success and Growth is created outside...