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Mar 31, 2020

Yesterday we spoke about how you will spend your next few weeks and how it will contribute to your results the year and much more
I suggested you truly make a commitment to unleash your potential by implementing some changes in several areas of your life:  personal, business, motivation, financial, lifestyle

Mar 30, 2020

25 Ways to Unleash Your Potential
The Pandemic associated with Covid-19 has created a lot of mixed emotions for entrepreneurs around the world.  People are feeling isolated due to business shut downs and temporary layoffs.  Social distancing has eliminated your ability to network, go out to eat, or even see a good...

Mar 27, 2020

I want to talk with you about how you can Eliminate Worry, Doubt, Fear and Anxiety in your life…or at a minimum Deal with it Effectively...
There is a lot going on right now in the world.  Maybe even more going on in your Head Right?...
Understand you must realize that FEAR can affect you Physically, Mentally, and...

Mar 25, 2020

Wayne Dyer write a blog a couple years ago called Manifesting 101:   masterming the art of getting what you want…
I thought it was Amazing content and I'd like to share it with you today.  Here are the 13 Habits to get you there...

Habit 1: Believe You Are an Infinite Spiritual Being Having a Temporary...

Mar 25, 2020

"What the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve”
    -Napoleon Hill
This week we will be concluding our 12 week series on the Prosperity Pillars for Success.  This is one of the most exciting Pillars, and yet it one of the least understood or practiced.  Here it...