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Feb 28, 2024

Welcome back to the daily mastermind! Today, we're going to dive into the powerful teachings of T Harv Eker and explore his 17 wealth files. These wealth files are not just about accumulating financial abundance, but about transforming your mindset to create the life you truly desire. So, let's get started!

One of the...

Feb 27, 2024

Denzel Washington did a Commencement Address at University of Pennsylvania where he talked about how failure is the key to creating success in life. He had a very unique way of talking about how most people seem to avoid risk and hedge their risks with "back up plans" which only keep you from yoru potential.

I want to...

Feb 26, 2024

Today I want to focus on finding ways we can Create a State of Mind that brings more Happiness into our lives...Prosperity Pillar #7 I choose to be happy...

Many of us spend much of our linves chasing success and happiness only to find out tha the "things" will never bring you happiness.  You can only create happiness...

Feb 23, 2024

Today I want to talk with you about NOT letting your environment or curcumstances affect your direction. I want to talk about how you can create YOUR OWN direction by instilling principles and disciplines in your life....

In a world filled with constant change and uncertainty, it can be challenging to maintain momentum...

Feb 22, 2024

Today I want to talk about the importance of self-awareness for entrepreneurs, CEOs, and business owners. Self-awareness is described as a superpower that can significantly influence business growth. It helps in identifying personal strengths, weaknesses, and unique talents which can positively guide business decisions....