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May 31, 2019

The idea of Purpose has been a "buzz word" lately in many cultures.  Finding your purpose and aligning it with your life plan is a topic that many thought leaders will speak about.

James Allen is no different.  Today we are going to read Chapter 4 from As a Man Thinketh and it will cover the importance of Purpose in...

May 30, 2019

As many of you know, I am a big advocate of Valuing your Health as one of the true measures of your Wealth. Your health and body will play a significant role in your happiness and prosperity.

So, I am super excited to read Chapter 3 of As a Man Thinketh to you today because it talks about the of Thought on Health and...

May 29, 2019

Today I am finishing Chapter 2 of As a Man Thinketh, and I would to hear from you regarding what you might have learned or applied from the principles from the first couple chapters.  So, please contact me through the daily mastermind instagram or facebook pages and let me know your thoughts.

In the meantime, I hope you...

May 28, 2019

I hope you are having an amazing week and also enjoyed yesterdays audiobook As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen.  That first chapter really dug into the Effects of Thought on Character.

Today I am going to read you the first part of Chapter 2 on the Effects of Thought on Circumstances in your life.  I encourage you to...

May 28, 2019

Thanks for listening today.  I want to do something a little different this week.  I would like to provide you with one of my favorite (and best) books I know that can help you to create an amazing life.

The book is called As a Man Thinketh, by James Allen.  I have really been an advocate of adding positive and...