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Sep 2, 2024

Welcome back to the Daily Mastermind with George Wright III, where we deliver your daily dose of inspiration, motivation, and education. If this is your first time, I encourage you to to subscribe to stay up-to-date on content designed to empower you. I appreciate your support.

Embrace the Power of Mindset

I'm going to spend today (liek most mondays) talking about your mindset.  

Over the next 12 weeks (on mondays) I'm going to take you through a program called "Creating Your Ultimate Destiny," written by my mentor by Robert Stueberg. I found a lot of value in this program while building my education company, and I think you will get a lot too.

Setting Up for Success

On Mondays, we focus on mindset. A strong mindset is fundamental for prosperity throughout the week. We'll also explore topics such as money, body, finance, and business. Your mindset dictates your actions, thoughts, and feelings, making it crucial to your success.

The First Step: Beliefs

Let's kick off this 12-week journey with the foundational element: Beliefs. One pivotal belief you need to embrace is that you are powerful. Each of us has unique talents and strengths, but the real challenge lies in accessing and harnessing this power within. Believing in your innate power is critical for creating and shaping your life.

As Napoleon Hill once said, "What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve." Your beliefs shape your experiences and perception of life. Ask yourself: Do you believe that life happens to you or for you? The meaning you assign to events shapes your reality. By adopting the belief that you can influence and control the meaning of events in your life, you empower yourself to manifest your dreams.

Beliefs Shape Happiness

Happiness, too, stems from your beliefs. As T. Harv Eker highlighted, people often chase fruits (material success) instead of nurturing roots (core beliefs). Happiness is about appreciating what you have rather than having what you want. It is a decision, and when you choose happiness, you pivot your focus towards gratitude and fulfillment.

The Journey of Happiness

Happiness isn't a destination; it's a journey. By focusing on gratitude and recognizing your unique talents, you create a fulfilling life. The key to ultimate destiny is not in pursuing happiness but rather pursuing your destiny. Happiness follows when you become the person you want to be, achieve your personal goals, and contribute to others' well-being.

Define Your Destiny

Reflect on your concept of destiny and write a new definition for it. What do you want to create for yourself? What conditions are required for you to be happy? Understand that you have the power to choose and control these conditions.


Beliefs are the cornerstone of creating your ultimate destiny. They shape your experience and happiness. As we continue this journey, aim to redefine your destiny, focusing on your beliefs and the actions that align with your goals.

Next week, we'll explore how to refine your decisions to further shape your ultimate destiny. Do me a favor and share this episode with someone who could benefit from it, and let’s spread the message of empowerment.

Thank you for joining me today. I look forward to our continued journey together. Until next time, remember, you are powerful, and your beliefs shape your destiny.

George Wright III, The Daily Mastermind