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Jul 25, 2023

My grandson Lawson Cole turned 1 years old this past week, and before I get started can we all just address the elephant in the room...."Grandson?"...I know, right?!
It doesn't really make sense for me to have a grandson considering how young I look and feel.  But somehow it happened and I love it!! that I've gotten that off my chest...let's talk about some serious and important life lessons.
As I watch and observe this little Rockstar Lawson...I have literally learned some valuable and insanely helpful lessons about life and I want to share 3 of these lessons with you in a quick post.
As you can tell Lawson doesn't give it a second thought.  I mean who doesn't love that hair.  lol
I know you are thinking, but George, he is 1 years old.  I hear you, but think about it....
...all of our programming that has shaped our beliefs, philosophies in life and our behaviors are all caused at a young age and continue to work against us as we get older. 
So it doesn't really make the lesson any less important.  JUST STOP IT!
Stop worrying about how you look, how you appear, and what people think about you.
Here's a crazy thought you have to eventually accept...Nobody cares how you look.  They are too worried about how they look and how they are perceived.  Just stop spending energy on stupid stuff.  Focus on spending your time and attention on what really matters, like Your Family, Your Business, Your Present Moment Memories you are creating.
Life is too short to get caught up in what other people think...PERIOD!!
Lawson is a pretty chill little kids.  His brothers on the other hand are like little tornadoes that tear up the surrounding l12 foot radius of everything their path).  Well, not literally, but sort, definitely, some of the time.  lol
Lawson will sit on the floor in the middle of the chaos and just take it all in and when he sees something he wants he just goes and gets it.  It's that simple for him.
I think in life sometime we let our ENVIRONMENT, PEOPLE AROUND US, and OUR CIRCUMSTANCES completely affect and shape how we Behave, React, or even Deal with events in our lives.
Learn to just sit back and take in the craziness and not let it AFFECT you so much or CHANGE how you live your life.  March to the beat of your own drum.  Do what you want.  Find ways to create peace of mind so that you don't get thrown off course. 
You cannot control the bat shit crazy people around you (and there are a ton), but you can certainly choose how you are going to react to them. 
My daughter Megan does an awesome job of making sure her boys are enjoying life, loved unconditionally, and given the time and attention they need.  Throwing a World Tour Rock Star birthday party is just one example.  Megan had all kinds of stuff she was dealing with and all kinds of problems, circumstances and things that she had to "deal with" to make sure he had an awesome birthday. 
And guess what, Lawson wasn't caught up in all the events, stress, and circumstances.  he just enjoyed his little party...smashing cake, eating candy, opening gifts and enjoying the crazy and wild people surrounding him. 
Believe me...I know that most 1 year olds are "oblivious" to the real world, but how often do we allow ourselves to get caught in the the drama of the past or the stress of the future only to MISS OUT ON THE PRESENT MOMENT.
I am not saying that we can be as innocent or "oblivious" as a little child, but we can certainly find times that we can just SET ASIDE our problems and ENJOY A LITTLE BIT OF LIFE in the PRESENT MOMENT.
And when you learn to enjoy life a little, it helps you deal with life even better.
Learn to get grounded in the moment and CREATE A FEW MEMORIES. Enjoy the life that you are living at times because there is plenty of time for stress, work and priorities.
Oh and one more thing I like to say a lot on my Podcast...
Too many of us have listened to that stupid phrase..."grind now so you don't have to tomorrow"...I've done that most of my life and its a bunch of crap.  I believe you can have BOTH.
Work Hard, Play Hard and Learn to Have a little Fun!
Anyway, I hope you learn a few lessons from Lawson like I did and I'll post a few pics of the crazy birthday party so check out my next post.  Have a great day.  G