May 27, 2021
I Choose to Be Happy- Pillar #7
I’m really excited about today’s topic. It’s principal number 7 of the 12 Prosperity Pillars: I choose to be happy. Say that to yourself;
“I choose to be happy!”
I have this quote on my desk and I use it all the time. It's by Wayne Dyer and he says, “It's not about finding happiness. Happiness is the way.”
This is one of the things that we all struggle with. I do. I'm sure you do as well, as an entrepreneur that's constantly struggling to find happiness and fulfillment. Why is it so hard to find happiness, especially if happiness is simply a choice?
Struggling For Happiness
I've thought about this a lot. It's really because we define happiness as something in the future. We define it as something that we don't have yet. How many times have you told yourself that you'll be happy when:
The Key is to Simply Choose Happiness
Just choose to be happy because happiness is a choice, plain and simple. No matter how eloquently we say it, happiness is simply a choice.
You don't control the circumstances that are happening to you in your life right now. You can't control if your car breaks down. You can't control if your boss is giving you a hard time. You can't control people outside of yourself in your relationships.
But you can absolutely control your mind, and you can control your decisions. You simply need to make the decision to choose happiness. Now here's the difficult part ... you have to make that choice daily.
You have to choose to be happy ongoing; you can't just let it handle itself. You've got to be proactive. You have to create your life and choose happiness.
You Can Also Choose What Will Bring You Happiness
So, let's talk about how you choose happiness. Let me ask you just one question:
What do you want in life?
Most of us want to get that certain job, that certain relationship, certain things, income and lifestyle.
But what I believe you really want are the emotions that those things will provide for you.
Those things are actually not what you truly desire. What you truly desire are the emotions that the new car is going to give you, what that relationship can to bring you, what that income will provide for you.
Let’s try something for a minute. Think about a time when you were extremely happy. Think hard about this. Maybe it was the birth of a child, maybe it was a promotion. Think about one of those times that you were extremely happy. Get that picture in your mind very vividly. Close your eyes (unless you are driving) and try to imagine that moment in time.
Now, can you feel those emotions again? When you relive very good memories, you can relive those emotions. So, we can prove to ourselves that we can create the emotions that we’re looking for at any moment. This is proof that we can create the emotions that we are struggling to seek and find in our life. It’s simply a decision to focus on those in our minds. Our minds are incredible tools if we use them correctly.
What’s The Secret To Happiness
Here's the secret … the secret to being happy is being able to create those emotions while you're traveling the path to your destination.
Here's what I want you to do. Set a goal for yourself to create more memories and emotions every single day. Maybe make it a game where you can vividly and distinctly create memories and you feel as if they’ve already happened. Journaling and capturing these memories can help embed them in your mind and in your life.
We can do things to stack the odds in our favor to create the emotions that we need. Pictures, music, journaling, etc. will all be ways you can capture and create vivid and powerful memories. Remember…Success is not to be pursued, it’s to be attracted. You need to be able to choose your happiness. You need to put things in your path that will allow you to create those emotions that you're seeking.
Once you're consciously aware that you can create those emotions you’re looking for, happiness truly will be the way. It won't be a destination.
Put this into practice and I want you to create more happiness, more emotions on a daily basis. I know you can do it! You have greatness inside you.
George Wright III