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Aug 31, 2021

Episode #426:  How to Get Through a Tough Day

When was the last time you had a really bad day?  You know what I mean, the kinda day where you hit your snooze on your alarm so many times you can’t remember.  The kinda day where you just don't feel like doing anything.

What is your story…..90% of success is just...

I Act in Spite of My Mood

Aug 30, 2021

BLOG:  I Act in Spite of My Mood- Pillar #3

We are on week 3 of a 12-week series on the Prosperity Pillars and I’m really excited to be able to go through this one. I just love this!

Last time we talked about taking personal responsibility. Now principle number 3 is the difference maker: I act in spite of my mood. I...

Aug 30, 2021

Episode #425:  I Act in Spite of My Mood

Are You Acting in Spite of Your Mood?

I want you to ask yourself if you are willing to act in spite of your mood.  Are you willing to do things whether you feel like it or not?

All of us get up in the morning and we’re tired.  You know you might be getting up and saying to...

Aug 27, 2021

Episode #424:  The Power of Accountability

In order to make Massive changes and Growth in your life, you must create awareness and commitment to prioritizing ACCOUNTABILITY in your life.

Accountability IS the Difference Maker that gets Results.  Today I want to talk with you about how to create accountability and...

Aug 26, 2021

Episode #423:  Find the Fuel You Need to Crush It

I’ve learned over the years that we all have cycles of motivation in our lives…ups and downs…times when you need motivation…times when you need something more.

We cycle through different moods, circumstances, challenges, and life events.  But the KEY is to...