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Jan 29, 2021

Quote of the Day
Go for it.  The future is promised to no one.
...Wayne Dyer
7 Habits to Create a Better Lifestyle
…increasing your quality of life
1-Hack People
  • technology isn’t always the key
  • Gary V talks about...The human part of it is an absolute must. If you’re doing everything yourself,...

Jan 28, 2021

Todays episode is a massive massive value
Literally a masterclass on tax reduction from THE GUY
-Scott Estill…long time partner and friend of the company
-former IRS Senior Trial Attorney
-30 years focused on helping business slash their taxes
-author of 5 top tax books...

Jan 27, 2021

Quote of the Day
A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step
…Lao Tzu
Upcoming Podcasts & Events
Webinar w Scott Estill
-former IRS Senior Trial Attorney
-webinar to over 500 people
-How to Plan for Tax Increases in 2022
-What’s included in the December 2020 stimulus Bill
-Tax Reduction Strategies for...

Jan 26, 2021

Welcome Back...

Today I want to share with you some thoughts i came across in Entrepreneur magazine on what makes a Successful Hustler...What really creates the difference between being busy and being productive.

Here are a few keys I discuss that define a "Successful" Entrepreneur:

Importance of Networking

Laser focus...

Jan 25, 2021

Let me share with you one of my favorite core teachings that Robert (my mentor) has taught me over the years in hopes that it might bring you some comfort and direction in your daily life
It comes straight from the Life Handbook which is a book Robert has created over decades (and thousands of mentoring...