Jul 31, 2019
I hope you are having an amazing week.
Today I want to give some incredible strategies I learned from a recent article I read by John C Maxwell. I have found Maxwell to be one of the best thought leaders on leadership, and I think you will agree.
He outlines 6 great strategies to implement with your team and I highly...
Jul 26, 2019
Today I want to get right into some serious questions and strategies to help you Stop Living Life and Start Creating Life. I know that we all get distracted but its time to start creating and monitoring the most valuable asset you have....YOUR TIME.
I hope you will listen, share and benefit from our topic today.
Jul 24, 2019
Jul 22, 2019
Do you ever just feel like giving up?
Are you experiencing failure, trials and is life wearing you down?
I want to talk with you today about how to overcome these feelings and use them to power and fuel your future successes. We all feel overwhelmed at times in our lives, and we all suffer temporary defeats.
But you...
Jul 18, 2019
We have all had fears in our life that have kept us from accomplishing our goals and living the life we were meant to live. The key is identifying those fears and taking action.
Today I'd like to suggestion some strategies that you can use to do just that...
I want you to know that you are not alone. We all have fears...