Apr 21, 2021
Quote of the Day
The Past Does not equal the Future- Anthony
Learn and move on. Your Future is not created in the
Your future is also not created in the Future...It is
created in the present...Listen to that again...
Now let's discuss the 7 Critical Questions for Focus
and Direction...toward your path to success.
Review from Monday and really think through each
1-The Opening Question- What's on your
-what are your dominant thoughts
-why are you thinking them
2-The Expansion Question- What else is on your
-go deeper...remember, that your thoughts are driving
your expectations and actions
-you must seek to understand before you can
3-The Focusing Question- What's the most important
thing you could be thinking about right now?
-what is the big domino in your day, life,
-key question is: are you focused on something "not"
important to your direction and path
4-The Target Question- Exactly what do you
-what emotions do you truly want in your
-how can you feel these emotions right now while
continuing to make progress
5-The Guidance Question- How can you obtain
-who is the best person to help you
-how can you clarify and communicate your needs
6-The Action Question- What is the best thing for you
to do right now?
-listen: you can only do one thing at a time, so what
is the 1 thing you can do right now
-how can you create daily rituals to drive the
"correct" actions
7-The Growth Question- What are you learning by
examining your thoughts and how can it help you
-what is the biggest take away (learning) you can have
from examining your thoughts
-how can you implement ways to create
Final Thoughts
Are your thoughts helping you to experience what you
want in life?
What you focus on grows...Focus your thoughts on what
you want and you will attract it in your life.
Please share this podcast with someone you know. Also,
please like and subscribe.
Thanks for listening.
George Wright III