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Jan 19, 2021

Quote of the Day
You can suffer and be ok- Claire Podesta
Let’s talk today about TIME...
Time is one of our most precious commodities…
So, I want you to think about where you are spending your time.
Most People waste their time with meaningless activities.
  • netflix
  • social media
  • impressing others
  • proactive vs reactive?
How can you really get an objective sense of your time?
Check Your Cell Phone Usage….Great Indicator
Bottom line is this…
If you want to be more successful, and yes happier and more fulfilled…
You need to learn to INVEST your time rather than SPEND it on the wrong things.
Investing vs Spending is just like finances.  
You either are contributing to growth or depleting your reserves.
It is a great idea for you to start to look at time as an ASSET and an INVESTMENT.
What you focus on grows.
Your perspective with determine your actions and results.
So, let’s talk about spending your time wisely….what can you do today?
Vision/Goals- this is the starting place
Time to Plan- Gary Keller Example
Automate Activities- use technology rather than it using you
Create Routine- daily rituals and discipline of your routine is key
Master Your Skills- great investment that ROI will grow exponentially (UT)
Health Time- health is your wealth and extends your lifeline and quality of life
Build Relationships- family, friends, colleagues…this will pay dividends in your quality of life
Take Action- too many waste time on excuses..say Yes, then figure it out
Last idea I want to impress upon you….
Learn to distinguish between Activity and Productivity….There is a difference.
What activities directly take you in the direction of your goals…Forward progress is key.
It doesn’t matter the amount of progress vs activity that keeps you stuck.
Remember the 80/20 Rule.
I hope this message has helped you.
Please do me a favor and share this episode and subscribe and follow The Mastermind.
Have a great day.
George Wright III